Indulge in Taste and Texture?纵情于口味和质地

For spreading on bread, for cooking, or as ingredients in the food industry, our creams, butters and spreads are expected to have superior taste and texture.



A complete solution 完整解决方案

By working in partnership with Sharecold, our customers benefit from more than 20 years of experience in the field of milk processing. We do not just offer technology, however. Our experienced project management teams will oversee your project from the earliest stage of design right through to the plant or production line coming on stream, according to schedule.

通过与 Sharecold 合作,我们的客户将得益于在乳品加工领域 20 多年的经验。但是,我们不只提供技术。我们富有经验的项目管理团队将监督项目的各个阶段,从最早的设计阶段一直到设备按照计划投入使用。


Our expertise will ensure that all stakeholders are kept informed through the whole project process, and help to ensure that there are no unforeseen delays or expensive mistakes. And after handover of the plant, we can offer a comprehensive service and plant upgrade program that will guarantee plant performance and longevity.
